Twogether In Texas
If you plan on getting married in a church, you might want to double-check with the head pastor to see if he or she requires you and your future spouse to undergo premarital counseling before you can get married in the church. Also, it is a good question to ask a minister if he or she will perform the service without your taking marriage counseling classes.
With the increasing divorce rate, Texas Legislature plans to combat the trend by offering some incentives for undergoing premarital counseling before saying I Do. Called Twogether In Texas, the program provides free marriage counseling classes—and $60 off your marriage license.
For residents of Travis County, this can be a huge benefit, because the license costs $71 that must be paid in cash. The cost of the license varies from county to county, so sometimes you may be able to get a marriage license for free if it costs $60 or less. Also, people who take the state-approved classes will not have to wait the usual 72 hours before they can be wed.
About the Class
The state-approved classes are usually at least eight hours long. The Twogether In Texas program states that they focus on “helping couples develop communication and conflict resolution skills and other tools for a strong relationship.” Their website has an application for those who would like to be a premarital counselor for the program.
Premarital Counseling
Premarital counseling is a wonderful way for couples to cover sticky topics such as whose parents they will visit during the holidays. Also, finances tend to be a huge issue to discuss. However, undergoing premarital advising is not a guarantee that your marriage will be a wonderful, fulfilling partnership without any disagreements.
Contact Us
Premarital counseling isn't a promise of success. Even couples who take Twogether In Texas and other before-marriage classes may decide to get a divorce. If you or someone you know is considering a divorce, contact the Denton divorce lawyers at Alexander & Associates today by calling 972-420-6560.
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